FREE Business Marketing Strategies they Dont teach you in a Text Book Feb 18 2 PM- 5 PM
This is not a "sell me something" class. What I will offer are tools I have used time and time again to help others improve sales, gain market share, network, stand out from their competition, and brand their business. All of these tools are free. This is not a gimmick. I have spent years and hours creating a dynamic system that helps businesses excel in 90 days. My knowledge can be an asset to you.
I am willing to share this knowledge because together we can build a stronger Pensacola economy. $20 is a dinner and a movie. $20 can also be the start of a new successful business plan for you! Quality Inn 6550 Pensacola Blvd Pensacola Florida 32505 850 941 4321
Official Website:
Added by pensacolaevent on January 19, 2012