258 Johnson Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11206

New Release Presents...

Yet another all-night dance-off
at Asterisk (258 Johnson Ave in Brooklyn)
Friday, February 25th
9p until you fall asleep on the floor
$5 door/$3 beer


Free Blood (!!! side project)
Kudu (John Cale's touring drummer goes electro-breakbeat with his girlfriend)
Goes Cube (two young boys and their beating machine)

and after the bands...

a late-night free-for-all with New Taafe, the !!! DJs

Cocoa Cracker Brown, Shuga-Milk and Kenosha spin between live acts

Here we go again. Free Blood, the 80s hip-hop/soul !!! side-project, is playing Asterisk again. This time Kudu is in tow. Kudu's drummer, who plays from time to time with John Cale (among others), is a fucking badass, and the singer is a sultry crooner whose voice is reminiscent of ESG. Their music is drum and bass electro-breakbeat. Starting out the night is Goes Cube, a part math-rock/part grungy distortion rock duo that is rounded out by their friend, The Beating Machine. The Beating Machine is a drum machine that actually sounds like drums. Imagine that. In between the bands, Cocoa Cracker Brown, Shuga-Milk and Kenosha smash your whole shit up with their matching record collections. And after the bands exit the stage, John Pugh and Justin V from !!! bring it with a set full of ODB, Michael Jackson, and god-knows what else.


in a subway- L to Montrose. Walk one block down Bushwick to Johnson. Take a left. Look for the red asterisk on the right.

in an automobile- Williamsburg Bridge to Queensbound BQE. Exit on Humboldt. Go
south, and make a left on Grand. Make a right on Bushwick, then a left on Johnson. Look for the red asterisk on your right.

relevant resources:

email freakout@newreleasenewyork.net for further instructions.

Added by justinacarter on February 22, 2005