What a better way to start your year than playing badminton?
Play and train for FREE!!
The Royal Training Open House includes free badminton placement evaluation and free badminton clinics! In addition, this is your chance to save some money - with great deals on all training program registrations. You can even win some raffle prizes - does it get better than this?
New Junior Elite Training program starting in January - get the best deal during the Open House!
Register now and save your spot for the free clinics!
If you don't register in advance, stop by anyway - drop-in registration is subject to space availability.
Please note that the club will have limited courts availability from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm on January 7 to hold the Royal Training Open House.
Royal Training Open House
Saturday, January 7: 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Do you want to learn tips on how to improve your badminton game?
Have you been thinking about taking a class but haven't found the right training program or the right coach? Unsure which program may fit your interests and skill level?
Or are you an advanced player looking for a challenging high performance training environment?
It's time to get the answers in a comfortable atmosphere with a badminton placement evaluation and training showcase by our world-class coaching staff. Best of all - you can do it for free!
Don't miss this unique opportunity to take advantage of:
* Free drop-in
* Free badminton clinics & training
* Coach speed-dating
* Register-today specials
* Training program showcase
* JET Highlight: New Junior Elite Training Program
* Free placement evaluation
* Tea & goodies
* Prize giveaways
Royal Coach speed-dating
One-of-a-kind opportunity to date one of our Royal Coaches! Well, at least for 20 minutes on the courts...
Our world-class Royal Coach staff includes:
Jacky Zhang
Bay Area Open A Men's Singles & Doubles Champion; China's National Team Member
Kota Morikawa
All Tokyo High School Championship
Radu Milevschi
Romanian National Team Member
Ramon Young
Menlo-Atherton High School Coach
All levels - all players-all ages-all interests are welcome!
Friends of Royal Badminton Academy | 190 Constitution Drive | Menlo Park 94025 | T: (650) 838-9318 | royalbadminton.com
Go to this link to register and play
Added by Royal Bayminton on January 7, 2012