Richmond, Virginia

Richmond’s Real Small Art League (RSAL) is posting original art by the artist Sammo as part of a growing free art movement in Richmond Virginia. Members of the community who find Sammo’s art are welcome to have it. The items will be posted Saturday, April 19 and remain on view until taken. The locations of the art will be marked on an interactive Google
Map, titled “Real Small Art League”. A link to the locations will be posted on following the installation of the work.

RSAL is an ongoing public art project to inspire random acts of artistic kindness
and creative compassion. Since February 2008, more than 25 artists have signed
up to post free artwork in expanding locations.

“We believe a little work of art can go a long way.” says RSAL founder Tiffany
Glass Ferreira.

Artists who want to exhibit independently, non-destructively and freely throughout
the community are welcome to join by visiting Tiffany
explains the success of the project lies in it’s adaptability for all artists to
participate. “I work full time, spend time with my family, chase my one-year-old,
and still want to paint. I wanted balance between real life and artistic interests….”
says Ferreira. The artist Sammo sent the mixed media drawings from
Kalamazoo, Michigan after hearing about the RSAL project.

Information about Sammo is available online by visiting
For more information about RSAL call 804- 852-9151 or visit www.iknowtiffany.

Official Website:

Added by I Know Tiffany on April 9, 2008

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