300 Arts, Irvine, Ca. 92697-2775
Irvine, California 926972775

October 4 – December 7
Contemporary Arts Center Gallery
With A Name Like Yours, You Might Be Any Shape.*
Concept by Georgia Holz and Claudia Slanar
Artists Reception October 4 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Names are inextricably linked to one’s identity, functioning as “symbolic forms” or “designators of reality.” What if this referent is altered, changed or twisted? Will it leave a particular subject uprooted, its identity deconstructed? With a Name Like Yours… presents artworks and writings by international artists who use contemporary versions of blurring the boundaries of fact and fiction through creating alter egos, personae and dopplegangers as modes of critique toward the principals of the art market, as well as the post-Fordist pressures of individualization. These tactics of disguise evolve around an almost schizophrenic split between the absence and the presence of the artist/subject that characterizes our capitalist society, and seem to be more relevant than ever in articulating socio-political critique.
*Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland, 1865

University Art Gallery (UAG), Building 712
Room Gallery (R), Building 727 – Room 1200
Contemporary Arts Center Gallery (CAC) – Building 721 – Lobby Level
Artists receptions are held at 6:00 p.m. on the opening night of each exhibition -- the public is welcome and admission is free.
NOTE: Artists, titles, and dates are subject to change.
Check website for updates, gallery hours, holiday closings and directions. www.ucigallery.com (949) 824-9854

Official Website: http://www.arts.uci.edu/event/free-art-exhibit-name-yours

Added by ClaireTrevor on September 24, 2012