Chanukah starts at sundown on Dec. 8 this year, but it is never too early to get into the spirit!
All are invited to a FREE "Almost Chanukah!" fair featuring: live music including classic Jewish rock and Sephardi & Mizrahi Jewish Music; Chanukah latkes and doughnuts; crafts by local Bay Area artists; Chanukah stories by a professional storyteller and a guided "trip back in time" with a local children's author; children's books; menorahs, dreidels, and beautiful candles; Fair Trade chocolate gelt; exotic Fair Trade Judaica from Africa, Asia, and South America; and a jumpy house!
Participate in a holiday gift drive: Bring a new toy, book, game, or item of clothing for a child in need age 3-18 in Oakland.
This event is sponsored by Congregation Netivot Shalom and co-sponsored by: Camp Kee Tov, Camp Newman, Camp Ramah of California, Camp Tawonga, Fair Trade Judaica, and Be'Chol Lashon. Learn about local Jewish summer camps and about the incredible diversity of the Jewish community.
All are welcome. Fun for all ages!
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 17, 2012