13230 Harrell Parkway, Suite 400
Noblesville, Indiana 46060

The Frankton High School Class of 1989 is holding a 20 year reunion planning meeting
May 17th @ 2pm at Paradise Bakery at Hamilton Town Center
(take old Deer Creek exit off SR 69)
Please plan to join us!!!
You can also join us online with Facebook search for FHS Class of 1989 page for details and updates.
We are currently looking for classmate updates so email classmate contact information to the reunion committee :
Julie Dick-Wainwright: wainwrightj@rushville.k12.in.us

Lana Dellinger-Litsey: llitsey@tomhamerlaw.com

Angie Campbell-Miller: ajcmiller@hotmail.com

Tosha Litsey-Hiatt: toshalitsey@yahoo.com

Lara York-McFerran: lmcferran@Verizon.net

Added by Pendleton-Gazette on May 13, 2009

Interested 1