15-17 Middle Street
Brighton, England BN1 1AL

"Frankly Outrageous"

A Performance written by Calolm MacGregor

3 Men; 1 Flat and a Corpse, Friendships in flux, skeletons in closets - Do yourself a favour and go see Calolm MacGregor's New Play its FRANKLY OUTRAGEOUS. A dark comedy.

Three friends reunite following the suicide of a good friend; in his old council flat. But the night is not just about reminiscing as hidden agenda and dark secrets begin to reveal themselves. Could twenty years of murky practice, backstabbing and lies come to a head? Revenge and Retribution are on the cards. A dark comic drama from writer Calolm MacGregor. It's Frankly Outrageous.


Calolm MacGregor, Sam Parsons, Mike Weedon.
Directed by James Weisz.

Produced by Being Frank Productions in association with Smarty Pants Productions.

Official Website: http://www.mediacentre.org/news/frankly_outrageous

Added by vanessance on March 9, 2010