377 East Hastings
vancouver, b.c., British Columbia

The next and hopefully, final support for justice rally for Frank Paul will be held on Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 5:30. there was much debate as to when.. as weekends are better for some but the urban community travels on weekends and there are many gatherings. We will begin gathering at 5:00 and people from the Micmac community will conduct a ceremony at the actual spot where Frank’s body was dragged to. In Dana Urban’s testimony, he explained that the scrape marks on Frank’s body were consistent with being dragged and not carried and propped up in a sheltered spot as the paddy wagon driver testified to. We will then march to the Vancouver Police Station with speakers, drumming and singing. Soup and frybread to follow. For info or to help: cisaction@gmail.com also www.indigenousaction.com

Official Website: http://www.indigenousaction.com

Added by Coast Salish Mama on April 4, 2008

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