In this Test Automation Bootcamp, you will learn how to use powerful open source test automation tools to test for scalability, performance and reliability, including Selenium, PushToTest TestMaker and soapUI. You will learn about the User Goal Oriented Test (UGOT) methodology to deliver actionable knowledge. Upon completion of this bootcamp, you will be able to identify and solve performance bottlenecks in RIA and SOA applications.
* Select the most appropriate open source Test Automation tool for your project
* Explain when and why to use Selenium, PushToTest TestMaker and Eviware SoapUI
* Use Test automation tools to address monster web application bottlenecks
* Regain control of out of control Ajax apps
* Addresses hard to find XML performance bottlenecks in your SOA apps
Official Website:
Added by SkillsMatter on August 23, 2009