The dynamic duo of French and Burgess, an Englishman and an Aussie, collaborated on the first two volumes on the "Outward Odyssey" series on the history of manned spaceflight: "Into That Silent Sea," and the award-winning "In the Shadow of the Moon," which cover the very human stories of the Space Race, ranging from Gagarin to Armstrong.
Colin Burgess worked for Qantas airlines as an onboard crew manager, and has authored or co-authored twenty-one books, most with a space theme.
Francis French is the former Director of Events for Sally Ride Science and the current Director of Education at the San Diego Air & Space Museum, and a regular presence on television and magazines discussing spaceflight and astronomy.
Their talk will cover little-known tales from both the Soviet and American space programs, revealing the very human stories behind the technology.
A book signing will take place at Booth #1 on the conference floor immediately following the talk.
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Added by SDASM on February 17, 2009