10 7th St W
St Paul, Minnesota 55102

Enter the framework of famous paintings and experience art like never before in 'Framed: Step into Art.' Explore Grant Wood's 'Dinner for Threshers' first hand and sit down for some home cooking before hurrying off to the barn to check on the animals. Travel back to the Canadian Rockies in 1916 to crawl inside a tent and discover camping gear like Sargent would have used and create your own camp painting. Ride Celmentine Hunter's 'Big Chicken' and help complete Diego Rivera's mural 'Corn Festival.' View original and famous parodies of 'Mona Lisa,' and create your own version of Mona Lisa's enigmatic expression by putting your face in a cutout version of the painting. Be the Artist by creating your own wall mural with chalk and Create Your Own Gallery by arranging work of art in frames. Embark on an Art Hunt and record your responses to the art at a talk back computer station.

Added by Upcoming Robot on March 10, 2011