2010-2011 Theme: What Patriotism Means to Me
The FRA National Committee on Americanism-Patriotism sponsors an annual Americanism Essay Contest, based on a theme announced each Spring. The contest includes a Grand National Prize of a $10,000 U.S. Savings Bond, with $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000 Savings Bonds awarded to the first, second and third place winners in each grade category. All regional winners are judged at the national level and receive a certificate of recognition. Other prizes are awarded at the branch and regional levels.
FRA's Essay Contest is open to all students grades 7 through 12 (including those who are home schooled). Each entrant must be sponsored by an FRA member in good standing or by a currently chartered branch or unit.
Please note: This contest is for the 2010-2011 school year - submitted essay should reflect your grade in the Fall. All sponsoring branches participate in the contest, YOU DO NOT NEED TO CALL - simply mail your completed essay and cover sheet (available below) to the branch nearest your home. Please see the list of participating branches below. (The branch does NOT need to be in the same state where you reside.)
Entries sponsored by branch or unit members must be submitted to their respective Branch Americanism Chairman by 1st December, for judging at the branch level. The awards are presented by the end of May. Branch: 089 - GA - Dallas - ATLANTA
Wayne F Barron
12 Edgehill Pl Jasper, GA 30143-5761
Official Website: http://www.fra.org/Content/fra/AboutFRA/EssayContest/default.cfm
Added by Sequoyah Writing Club on November 2, 2010