Having being successfully held three sessions, China International Forum on Environment and Development (CIFED) is a nation-wide summit, which is hosted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) and organized by All China Environment Federation (ACEF). The Fourth China International Forum on Environment and Development (CIFED 4) is to be co-hosted by MEP and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and co-organized by ACEF and Center for Studies on China's Circular Economy and Environmental Assessment Forecasting (CSCCEF). In light of China's priorities and hot issues in environmental protection, it is believed that preventing air pollution will be the focus and one of major missions of environmental protection in the 11th Five Plan, preventing energy saving and emission reduction will be the fundamental measure to realize the binding index of China's commitments, climate change will be attached importance by the Central Government, together with international cooperation to contribute to promoting environmental protection and sustainable development in China and the world at large. Therefore, the theme of CIFED 4 is "paying attention to climate change, promoting energy-saving and emission reduction, preventing air pollution, and enhancing international cooperation". This forum consists of an opening ceremony, a thematic summit, three break-out sections and a closing ceremony. In addition, the three break-out sections are "energy saving and emission reduction and global climate change, technology and measure of preventing air pollution, new technology & development tendency of energy saving and emission reduction".
Please visit: http://www.acef.com.cn/4luntan/index.asp
环境与发展中国(国际)论坛是由环境保护部主办,中华环保联合会承办的环境保护领域一年一度的高端战略品牌论坛,至今已连续成功举办三届。第四届环境与发 展中国(国际)论坛由环境保护部与中国社会科学院共同主办,由中华环保联合会与中国社会科学院中国循环经济与环境评估预测研究中心联合承办。
在第三届论坛集中研究水污染防治问题的基础上,本届论坛根据当前中国环境保护重点和热点问题,经过与相关部委、专家广泛征求意见和共同探讨,一致认为防治 大气污染是中国国家十一五环保工作的重点领域和主要任务之一,推进节能减排是实现约束性指标的根本途径,同时中国政府也高度关注全球气候变化问题,努力通 过促进国际合作实现全球环境共同目标。据此本届论坛将主题确定为:"关注气候变化 推进节能减排 防治大气污染 促进国际合作"。
Added by chinadialogue on October 13, 2008