June 2, 2012, 8:00 to 9:00am (Rain Date June 17, 2012)
The Charles River One Mile Swim will be held for the fourth time this year. After decades of pollution, the Charles River has benefited from the ongoing Clean Charles River Initiative, which was started in 1995 to restore the river's ecological health. The river is now clean enough on most summer days to meet swimming standards.
This race, organized by the Charles River Swimming Club, is intended to raise awareness of and celebrate the efforts that went into cleaning the river, as well as to highlight the need for continued clean-up to enable recreational swimming in the future.
Distance: 1 mile
Date: Sunday, June 2, 2012 (rain date 6/17/2012)
Race Start: 8am
Check-in: 6:45 - 7:30am
Location: River Dock (near Hatch Shell on Boston's Esplanade)
Description: One-mile loop course between the Harvard (Mass Ave) Bridge and the Longfellow Bridge. Water start.
Requirements: USMS membership (can be purchased on race-day for $10), minimum age 18, maximum swim time 40 minutes
This swim will be sanctioned by USMS.
E-mail us at raceinfo@charlesriverswimmingclub.org if you would like to volunteer.
Official Website: http://www.charlesriverswimmingclub.org
Added by FullCalendar on April 17, 2012