2251 E. Stadium
Ann Arbor, Michigan

The Agrarian Adventure's Fourth Annual School Garden Harvest Dinner will be held on Fri. Nov. 6, 6:30-8pm at Tappan Middle School.

* Grown by students!
* Prepared by students!
* Served by students!

Please join us earlier for:
5:30 School Greenhouse Tour (ends at 6:15)
6:00 Dinner Seating and Mingling

Standard ticket prices cover the cost of the 3-course meal with dessert and drink and are $8 for students ($1 off for Blue and White card students) and $15 for standard adult tickets. Sponsorship tickets are encouraged and donations above the standard ticket price are tax deductible.

Please note that online ticket sales have additional service fees associated with them. We are providing this option through a service called EventBrite in conjunction with Google Checkout. We have split the service fees so that online purchasers will pay the EventBrite fee and The Agrarian Adventure will pay the Google Checkout fee. Thus, please keep in mind that there will be an additional charge when your order is totaled.

Note: Online ticket sales will end on October 30, 2009. Quantities are limited, please call call 734.939.0155 or email info@agrarianadventure.org if you have any questions. If available, all tickets will cost $20 at the door.

The Agrarian Adventure partners with K-12 schools to enrich students' connection between the foods they eat, their personal health, and the health of their communities and the environment. Through experiential education in sustainable food and agriculture, local food, and healthy learning in the cafeteria, we connect students to the sources of their food and empower them to transform their lives and the food culture in positive ways.

The Agrarian Adventure is a publicly-supported 501(c)3 nonprofit that exists due to the active participation and dedicated support of students, teachers, parents, and community members. We are a grassroots organization growing up from within Tappan Middle School, a large middle school, located in Ann Arbor, MI serving nearly 800 students in grades 6-8.

Official Website: http://agrarian.dreamhosters.com/agrarianadventure/

Added by annarborchronicle on October 29, 2009

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