Friends, Family, and Foes: Tales of the ties that bind
* Elisabeth Brink, author of the comic novel Save Your Own, a Booksense Notable Book for July 2006, and teacher of writing and literature at Boston College, Tufts, and Harvard
* Jessica Berger Gross, editor of the forthcoming anthology About What Was Lost: 20 Writers on Miscarriage, Healing, and Hope (January 2007), columnist on the Literary Mama online magazine, and teacher of writing at the Harvard Extension School
* Tracy McArdle, author of Confessions of a Nervous Shiksa, the forthcoming Real Women Eat Beef, and essays in Premiere and The Boston Globe
* Karen Propp, co-editor of bestselling anthology Why I'm Still Married: Women Write Their Hearts Out on Love, Loss, Sex, and Who Does The Dishes; author of the memoirs In Sickness & In Health and The Pregnancy Project; writer of nonfiction in Prevention,, and LIlith; and fellowship winner from Massachusetts Cultural Center for the Arts
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Added by akwhitacre on September 12, 2006