Crime and Punishment: Stories from the Big House
A Four Stories/PEN New England event honoring PEN's Freedom to Write Program
* Helen Elaine Lee, Associate Professor in writing and humanities at MIT; graduate of Harvard Law School; writer of fiction from Callaloo, SAGE, Children of the Night: The Best Short Stories by Black Writers, 1967 to the Present and Ancestral House: The Black Story in the Americas and Europe; and author of the novels The Serpent's Gift, Water Marked, and the forthcoming Life Without (about the lives of inmates in American prisons)
* T. J. Parsell, writer and human rights activist, president of the board of Stop Prisoner Rape, consultant to the US govt's Prison Rape Elimination Commission, and author of Fish: A Memoir of a Boy in a Man’s Prison (forthcoming from Caroll & Graf, November 2006
* Jean Trounstine, author of Shakespeare Behind Bars: The Power of Drama in a Women's Prison (about her 10 years directing plays at Framingham Prison); co-author of Finding A Voice (about the internationally acclaimed program for offenders "Changing Lives through Literature"); and co-editor of the Boston best-seller Why I'm Still Married: Women Write Their Hearts Out On Love, Loss, Sex, and Who Does the Dishes)
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Added by akwhitacre on September 12, 2006