Our November 20 Recruiter Panel: What Executives Can Expect in 2009
There have been ups, there have been downs, and the cycles carry on, with greater frequency and amplitude. 2008 brought its fair share of change to Silicon Valley executives, so as we wrap up the year, we will bring together an executive recruiting panel, and invite them to share their insights and expectations on trends, and advice on how senior executives can keep marketable in a rapidly evolving business climate.
• Facilitator Roberta LaPorte, RAL Associates
• Panelist Jennifer Colosi, founder, Colosi Associates
• Panelist Dana Johnson, Devine and Virnig
• Panelist Marty McMahon, Principal Consultant, McDermott & Bull Executive Search
Official Website: http://www.svexecs.com
Added by FountainBlue on October 17, 2008