ExecuNet Silicon Valley: FountainBlue's Transitions Event
Produced in Partnership with RAL & Associates and FWE&E
Topic: Tips for Changing Roles, Changing Industries
Date & Time: Thursday, March 19, from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Location: Bay Café Clubhouse, 1875 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto
Cost: $30 members, $35 partners, $40 general by 3/18 at noon, $50 for membership and admission.
On-site registration is $50.
Register at: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=162480.
Tips for Changing Roles, Changing Industries
With the rapid pace of technology advancement and global business dynamics, it is more challenging for senior execs to stay within an industry. In addition, it has become more appealing to bring their executive management skills from an older, more established industry to an emerging industry with great opportunities, and the need for seasoned executives.
Please join this month’s facilitator Sandra Wales from Wales Investments as she covers the trends for shifting roles and industries and strategies on how to successfully do so. Whether you’re considering the move from high tech to clean energy or life science, or whether you’re considering going from a corporate role to a small business professional or vice versa, this month’s event is sure to provide the insights, advice and connections to assist in the shift from one role or one industry to another.
We hope you will join us in what is sure to be an interactive and engaging conversation.
Networking and Job Search Strategies for Executives
Every month, following attendee introductions at our "Transitions" meeting, we facilitate a networking or job search exercise for executives. Linda Holroyd will lead networking exercises with guest speakers leading job search exercises.
For more information:
• To find out more about FWE&E, visit http://www.fweande.org.
• To find out more about RAL & Associates and our services for senior executives, visit www.bobbielaporte.com. RAL & Associates is a consulting firm providing career transition and leadership development services to individuals and organizations in the Bay Area.
• To find out more about FountainBlue and its services for entrepreneurs and executives in the clean energy, high tech and life science industries, visit http://www.fountainblue.biz or http://www.svexecs.com.
Official Website: http://www.svexecs.com
Added by FountainBlue on February 20, 2009