2007 Partygoers Comments:
Think convention/hotel lunch at the usual round 6-8 person tables.
Your normal RSA attendee. You need to have a Founders badge to get into the event.
How to get an invite:
To obtain a Founders badge, walk up to the Founders registration desk (the only one with red carpet in front of it). Let the registration staff know that you have been attending RSA as a Full Conference attendee for a number of years. (5-7 years or so). Your current full conference badge be upgraded to a Founders badge. You will also get a pin and other goodies.
Next, email founderscircle@rsaconference.com to RSVP for the lunch. Then just show up at the W Hotel (Great Rooms 1 and 2) with your badge.
Added by RSA Parties on April 7, 2008