Class Time/Dates: 7-10pm on Thursdays: April 16,23,30, May 7,14,21
Schedule: 6 sessions; once a week for six weeks Class size: 16 students maximum Class length: 3 hours (18 hours total) Are you a seasoned performer or is the stage foreign territory? Do you like to make stuff up or do you get nervous at parties? Do you sing in the shower or do you want to loosen up?
Regardless of your experience, background or training, we think EVERYBODY can benefit from studying improv. This six-session class is a fun intro to the joys and thrills of improvisation and the BATS Improv style.
Students learn improv vocabulary, use practical skills, and perform in a friendly atmosphere. Foundation I is all about unleashing your innate skill. You'll play games and experiment with creating characters and scenes.Key concepts in Foundation 1 include:
Making Offers (blocking and accepting)
Where/Space Objects (creating props and locations out of thin air)
Some of the lessons of this six-week course: Have fun. Accept the audience's ideas. Make your partner look good. Start positive. Pay attention. Fail "good naturedly." Make eye contact. Avoid asking questions in scenes. Mime as well as you can. "Yes, and..." Dare to be dull. Accept your own ideas. Explore flexible status.In short, there's plenty to cover. And you'll be amazed at how the lessons apply to your life both on and off stage. Like we said, there's no experience necessary. At the conclusion, everyone passes and can move on to Foundation 2, but you can also take Foundation 1 as many times as you would like and are sure to get something new out of it each time. (For some folks, this all the improv they could ever want or need!)
Organized by BATS Center for Improvisational Theatre
Ticket Info: Tuition, $269.00
Official Website: http://bats1171-upcoming.eventbrite.com