34 Avenue A
New York City, New York

Featuring Davy Rothbart

Join FOUND Magazine's Davy & Peter Rothbart for a night of FOUND magic and merriment on the NY stop of their Cavalcade of Thrills Tour. Davy reads the most startling brand-new finds to land at FOUND HQ, while Peter's brand-new songs based on FOUND stuff will blow your mind and nip at your soul. You will be dazzled! You will be stunned! Plus, special guest DJ Potato Head will be shot from a cannon! So come on out and join us, and bring your finds to share- it's a smash-'em-up good time for all! All proceeds from this event benefit students at 826 NYC.
' FOUND is a powerful fix for thinking voyeurs.' -The Boston Globe
'Davy Rothbart is an utterly engaging performer. -The Los Angeles Times

Official Website: http://www.mopitkins.com/calendar/ShowPages/FoundBenefit1.html

Added by strudeau on May 13, 2006