Foster and Adoptive Parents Needed There are 80,000 children in foster care throughout California who need families. Could they be waiting for yours? Caring families are especially needed for older youth, siblings, and children with special needs.
Rebekah Children’s Services holds a monthly Orientation the second Monday of every month. Anyone interested in learning how to become an adoptive or foster parent should attend to learn about the children, our programs, financial support, and training.
Our training for all prospective foster/adoptive parents will take place in Campbell from February 3rd through March 3rd from 6-8pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Please RSVP seating is limited.
Please call (408) 871-4962 to reserve a seat.
Free foster care and adoption orientation held the 2nd Monday of every month from 6-8pm. Please call 408-871-4962 to reserve a seat.
Official Website:
Added by beckygabuat on January 5, 2009