2579 Maple Ave
Zanesville, Ohio

Counting Our Votes:
Can We Make Ohio Elections Honest Again?

Sponsored by the Muskingum County Women's Democrat Club, a special 2-hour forum of speakers and discussion will be held at the Heavenly Ham restaurant, 825 Adair Avenue, Zanesville Ohio.

Several featured speakers include electoral reform speakers and voting researchers from around Ohio. The public is invited to attend and learn about the ongoing issues affecting your right to vote, directly from election activists involved in the 2004 electoral process. Did your vote count last November? Will it count in 2006 and in 2008? As a citizen you have a right to know and learn more.

This issues forum is dedicated to the following questions:
*In Ohio, which voters were targeted to be discounted? How were people disenfranchised?
*What is the relationship between Ohio's Coingate and other public financial scandals and the big voting machine manufacturers?
*Which voting machine vendors are bribing our officials?
*How easily can the new electronic voting machines be hacked and vote totals changed?
*Are ?paper trails? the answer to verifiable voting?
*How can we have citizen oversight of elections again?

For further information Contact:
Marj Creech
Education and Outreach Committee
J30 Voting Rights Coalition
Phone: 740-924-5083
Email: RisenRegan@core.com

Added by LicoPAC on August 6, 2005