1350 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia

Washington Regional Network for Livable Communities announces a forum:

An Equitable Housing Strategy for D.C. and the Region

Margery Turner
Director, Metropolitan Housing and Community Policy Center
Urban Institute

January 12, 2005
6:00 PM refreshments, 6:30 PM Program
John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Room 412*
Washington, DC 20004

Housing expert Margery Turner addresses how jobs and housing can work together for smart regional economic growth. Turner's latest research, including An Equitable Housing Strategy for the District of Columbia and the third report for the Fannie Mae Foundation's series Housing in the Nation's Capital, addresses D.C. housing needs while linking them to trends in regional jobs and housing markets.

RSVP (attendance only): E-mail: staff@washingtonregion.net Phone: 202/244-1105. This event is free of charge. Website: www.washingtonregion.net

Added by robg3 on January 5, 2005

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