840 W.Washington Ave
Sunnyvale, California 94086

The city of Sunnyvale will hold a series of community information to provide background information on Mary Avenue Extension and transportation planning in the City.

Official Website: http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/YNKGRqNXnBFyULzHIDI5cxl-1QeGX0NGOHphfsC2pWuBhLyWU_Ud9K9mPr1JU04jyGUEo1CLk0FSd3nhOWjTPNTXMGKHpiRPiA/Geeta_Community%20forums.pdf

Added by greensafecommunity on June 30, 2007


Jan Boehm

I'll be attending this last forum on the MAEP. Is anybody phoning the other members who have not left email addresses? This is critical.

JAN Boehm

I'll try to make more stick-on badges for this last city forum by Jack W. He's going to be best friends with us by journey's end! (Or enemies...)

Jan Boehm

What does the Add a Tag mean?

Thanks for setting up this group. It's a great idea! Don't forget to add the July 4th State of the City meeting to this group.