7396 Rivers Avenue
North Charleston, South Carolina

Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing. Learn how you can earn more money and time for yourself and your family. Now's your chance to meet someone who is living the American Dream...a mentor (as well as friend) of mine from Charlotte, NC - Special guest presenter - Mr. Todd Rowland.



Todd and Ashley Rowland
National Managers and Presidential Ambassadors (background)

Todd and Ashley Rowland lived the typical American life; happy, but broke and stressed. Todd chose a career as a high school history teacher and football coach. Todd and Ashley made the commitment early on to raise and educate their children at home. In doing so, they were trying to maintain a family of five on an annual salary of $35,000.00 a year.

When Todd first saw the Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing business opportunity, Yhe family was living paycheck to paycheck and had no savings. Todd's father is responsible for exposing Todd to Fortune and once he looked at the opportunity, Todd borrowed the money from his father to become a Manager and Trainer Coach. Borrowing $698.00 when you live paycheck to paycheck is a big deal, but Todd had good reason. Todd was 31 years old, nine years into his career, and saw no other opportunity to start accumulating savings for himself and his family unless something changed.

Todd and Ashley discussed how to run their part-time Fortune business and committed to working 6-8 hours per week in an effort to earn an additional $500.00 per month. The first three months were not easy, but Todd and Ashley stuck to their commitment. They weren't going to quit, there were simply no other options. By the fourth month of their Fortune business, Todd and Ashley reached their $500.00 per month goal. That additional money allowed them to do things they had previously been forced to give up. They started going out to lunch after church as a family and enjoying other small luxuries.

At that point, Todd and Ashley reevaluated their commitment to Fortune and chose to give up all their free time and devote it to growing their business. Over the next several months, their income continued to grow and by their 9th month in Fortune, Todd was able to resign from his teaching job and work Fortune full-time.

Todd and Ashley are well on their way to having the American Dream. They have no boss, no set working schedule, they own their dream home, and have the freedom to travel. The Rowland's monthly Fortune income now exceeds Todd's annual salary as a teacher and coach, but he's not stopping. Todd is a leader in the Fortune community, and Ashley has founded "Team Fortune", a support based group for the spouses of Fortune Representatives. We're pleased to feature Todd and Ashley Rowland, National Sales Managers, 2004 Ring of Honor recipients, and Presidential Ambassador 2006.


Host: Rosena Nelson
Date of Meeting: 10/25/2007
Location: Mt. Moriah Family Life Center
Address: 7396 Rivers Avenue
City, State: North Charleston, South Carolina
Email Address: deertrack148@aim.com
Start Time: 7:00pm
Phone 1 843-259-0197
Phone 2 843-278-8747

Directions: For directions, you may contact the Center directly at (843) 797-0266.


Don't be shy...I'll be there. Need a ride...let me know.

Love and warm wishes to all...Joy

Added by Joy Deane on October 17, 2007

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