The Action Arts League presents...
Featuring DJs Dhundee, Jesse Mann, Joro Boro and a live analog set from Spiral Blaster! Bands and performances to be announced shortly!
As the sun sets on Saturday, June 28, we ask you to rise up and in defense of the arts in New York City. At the very southern tip of New Amsterdam in the shadows of the gleaming towers of trade and upon the meeting of the Hudson and East Rivers, we will be lowering the drawbridge to Castle Clinton for a single night of grand celebration and epic amusement.
When you cross the moat from the outside world into FORTIFICATION, prepare yourself for a journey through imagination featuring the city's finest musicians, performers and DJs. Ready yourself to do battle with the world of the mundane and bland by cloaking yourself in your most fabulous fortified costume-- think medieval carnival and conquest, colonial creative revolutionaries, damsels in shining armor and knights in distress.
All profits from FORTIFICATION will be used to help support FIGMENT, a massive free participatory art event on Governors Island from June 27-29. You can learn more about FIGMENT at
Castle Clinton is a historic fortress with origins stretching back to the Dutch colonial era. Its iconic circular walls were constructed for War of 1812. Afterward, it served as an opera house and entertainment venue. Later, it became an immigration center that welcomed millions of people to the New World. Following a stint as an aquarium, it was nearly demolished before being restored to its original splendor by the National Park Service. You can learn more about Castle Clinton at
6pm - midnight. $10 at the castle gate. All ages. 21+ with ID to drink. This is an outdoor event and will be cancelled if it is raining. Castle Clinton is located at 1 Bowling Green, New York NY, 10004. 1 to South Ferry, 4/5 to Bowling Green or R/W to Whitehall St- South Ferry.
Official Website:
Added by lramirez577 on June 18, 2008