Fee & Sign-in: EUR 50,-.
Teacher: Tom Schouten.
During this workshop you will learn how to create a tv-signal using the programming language Forth* on the pic microcontroller**. The Forth interpreter on the picchip enables you to program your microcontroller life and thus edit and see the changes in behavior right away.
Over the organizer:
META is a self-organized/help group for artists and designers with an interest in electronics.
META members are artists, students, teachers and professionals in all kinds of disciplines including but not limited to, Art, Multimedia, Interface- Graphic- Audio- and Web Design, Music Composition.
META stand for: Making Electronic Thingies in Amsterdam.
* Forth is a programming language. Read more on wikipedia:
** A microcontroller is a computer on little chip where you can load software on. It enables you in a simplified way to create hardware that does some certain tasks without a computer being hooked to the circuit. Read more on wikipedia:
Official Website: http://www.makingelectronicthingiesinamsterdam.nl/Upcoming/Workshop6
Added by kzm on May 1, 2007