111 E. Fourth St.
Fort Worth, Texas 76102

The SpringStage Fort Worth Startup Happy Hour is all about bringing the local entrepreneurial community together and making valuable connections.

Our mission is to build a vibrant startup community here in Fort Worth and foster local entrepreneurship.

This event occurs on the 3rd Monday of every month.

This event follows in the success of the Dallas Startup Happy Hour that Alex Muse has been putting on for the past few months. Through the event many entrepreneurs/startups have met co-founders, made contacts with local VCs, received valuable feedback on their ideas, found employees and angel investors and broadened their network with great contacts.

We look forward to building the same sort of success here in Fort Worth and hope you will join us!

PLEASE NOTE: Please don’t come to sell your goods or services. The purpose of the event is for entrepreneurs to connect to empower each other through the development of a community of startups. The purpose is NOT to build a business networking group or lead generation group. Again, PLEASE DON’T COME TO MARKET YOUR SERVICES OR SELL YOUR GOODS.

Official Website: http://www.fortworthstartups.com/events/startup-happy-hour/

Added by bradleyjoyce on April 7, 2009