1501 Montgomery St
Fort Worth, Texas 76107

This fun exhibit encourages children to play. "Play is their work, and our goal is to provide developmentally appropriate opportunities for all children," said Museum Senior Vice President, Education Kit Goolsby. "To that end, this gallery has both an indoor and an outdoor experience." Inside you will find a healthy kids clinic, an infant/toddler developmental space, a parent resource room, a family restroom, a nursing room for mothers, and a natural science space. Its natural science space exhibits one of the Museum's largest fully articulated specimens from the natural science collection -- a Galapagos turtle, placed in a large dome so that young guests can see it from all angles. In addition, live reptiles and amphibians are a central element of the Children's Museum. You will see them all throughout the gallery. Also, the Children's Museum features an indoor block-building site where children can construct a train, and the kid's grocery. Outside is a brilliant pink - Rosa Mexicano - pergola designed by Ricardo Legorreta. The outdoor experience has several innovative water play stations.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 13, 2011