Through its continued explosive growth over the past several years, the Internet has become America’s information/communication/entertainment medium of choice. Whether at home, at work, at play, or on the go, we’re becoming an increasingly connected society. The Internet is the first place the majority of Americans look to find and evaluate products and services they’re interested in. Your approach to the internet will have a significant impact on your bottom line, but as the famous quote from Lewis Carroll says, “If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.”
In this strategic seminar, Cirrus ABS Founder and CEO Matt Nickols and Cirrus ABS COO and lead business analyst Mark Burke will get you headed in the right direction. They’ll tap into their 40+ years of combined business and marketing experience to outline how businesses are leveraging the Internet to drive business results. What you’ll come away with is an overview of proven real-world strategies and key steps to take in developing a comprehensive approach that lets you compete effectively online.
Join us for our NetCentered Seminar and learn how!
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
RSVP for the NetCentered Marketing Seminar
Added by Cirrus ABS on March 26, 2010