Fort Tyron Park
New York City, New York 10040

The festival is a unique chance to experience the medieval period in the most authentic setting this side of the Atlantic. The area around the Cloisters Museum in Fort Tryon Park is transformed into a medieval market village where knights in armor, jugglers, jesters, magicians, musicians, storytellers, and puppeteers will perform. A blacksmith, manuscript illuminator, pottery decorator, wood carver and other artisans will demonstrate their crafts. Performers and fairgoers dress in historical costumes. Medieval food is available and craft items will be sold. The afternoon culminates with a jousting event between knights on horseback!

Medieval Festival Highlights

o The Grand Tilts and a Royal Joust between knights in armor on horseback! Yes, they do knock each other of their horses!*
o Acclaimed ensembles and individuals presenting a variety of medieval music, dance and song.
o A living chess match featuring medieval mayhem
o Magicians worthy of Merlin will cast spells on youngsters of all ages.
o Demonstrations on medieval life and fashions as well as one-on-one and group combat.
o Medieval Craft Demonstrations and Sales
o Medieval style food and drink.

For more information call (212) 795-1600, check or e-mail us at

* Really!

Official Website:

Added by Tanga on September 22, 2007

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