We all are well aware how much social media has grown over the past several years. Facebook is now reporting over 400 million users, Twitter has said there are 50 million tweets per day, which breaks down to roughly 600 per second; sites like Foursquare, Gowalla, Brightkite and Loopt are hitting the scene in terms of location-based social media platforms. Everywhere we look we see social media playing a role. Maybe it's a TV ad for Best Buy showing Facebook and Twitter icons, or a local restaurant offering a deal to the Mayor on Foursquare. If you're online, you can't escape social media. So, as a business, how are you taking advantage of these tools to help extend your brand and messaging? Attend Formic Media's Free Seminar Series to learn how these tools and platforms can help transcend your business. The Formic team will discuss individual social media sites, tools, SEO benefits and more. Come join us.
Formic Media, Inc.
300 NE Failing St.
Portland, OR 97212
Official Website: http://www.formicmedia.com/seminars
Added by jwmcphee on October 15, 2010