6 N Laurel St
Richmond, Virginia 23220

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates at The Richmond Forum
"America's National Security Challenges: Abroad and at Home"

Landmark Theater

On June 30th, Secretary Gates retired after serving four and a half years as Secretary of Defense under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, a tenure that included two U.S. wars, military involvement in Libya, the repeal of "Don't Ask" Don't Tell" and the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. In total, Dr. Gates has served eight presidents in a number of leadership roles, including Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and Deputy National Security Adviser.

Dr. Gates will address The Richmond Forum and respond to questions from the audience.

The Richmond Forum is one of the nation's oldest and largest lecture series, producing five world-class programs each year. Season subscriptions range from $155 to $240 for the entire season.

A small number of single tickets may be available starting two weeks before each program for $36 to $70.

Tickets are only available through The Richmond Forum. 804-330-3993. Tickets are not available through the Landmark Theater or other outlets.

Added by Ross Catrow on January 3, 2012