93 Main Street, 2nd floor
Andover, Massachusetts 01810

What is forgiveness? What is it "Not"? How do I forgive? Are there consequences to not forgiving? Does forgiving mean that the pain that I suffered was OK? What happens to those that hurt me or others? Why is there suffering? Will I ever be free?

These questions and more will be addressed in this workshop. This class is both a spiritual inquiry about the nature of forgiveness and it offers support for the process of forgiveness. The workshop is designed for “everyone and anyone” that may feel helpless, stuck, depressed, angry, or that they cannot or don’t know to forgive. In this class, we will first learn what "Forgiveness" really is. Additionally, we will examine strategies that help identify our hidden issues/triggers so that we are no longer slaves to them. Discussion and practices that support healing of these specific areas will also be highlighted: understanding anger, how unforgiveness influences our lives in obvious and not so obvious ways, how to “free our Will”; how to release behaviors patterns, and/or people that siphon off our energy; how to ask for forgiveness for ourselves, and how to forgive. We will examine some helpful processes to reclaim our personal power and peace of mind. Guidelines for healing within relationship will also be offered. Forgiveness is a journey that challenges us to grow beyond our old standards of measure. It empowers us to face the future unencumbered by our history or someone else’s story. This workshop is gentle yet very powerful. The processes explored within it are effective and serve as a roadmap on the road of Life. Seating limited. For more info/register, contact 978-973-6637 or info@sacredspiraldance.com.

Official Website: http://www.sacredspiraldance.com/workshops_events_calendar.asp

Added by sacredspiraldance on April 30, 2009

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