*Emma's Revolution, Dr. Natalia Mironova from Russia, plus other great artists and speakers*
On Sunday, August 5, join hundreds of peace advocates to "Foreclose on the Bomb, Not the People" at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab. We will commemorate the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the place where the government is spending billions of dollars to develop new and modified nuclear weapons.
This year's event will highlight the economic reality of increasing nuclear weapons spending while people's basic needs go unmet. Expect great speakers, music, tabling by local organizations, and food courtesy of Food not Bombs.
Dr. Natalia Mironova, engineer, activist and former legislator from Chelyabinsk, will speak on US-Russian nuclearism. Other speakers: Takashi Tanemori, Hiroshima bomb survivor; Michael Eisenscher, US Labor Against the War; Tara Dorabji, Tri-Valley CAREs; Andy Lichterman, Western States Legal Foundation. Music includes Emma's Revolution, back for a return engagement, local band Tasha Kame, and Daniel Zwickel.
The program will begin promptly at 4 PM because 4:15 PM August 5 in Livermore will be 8:15 AM on August 6 in Hiroshima, the exact moment the first nuclear weapon was used in war (a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9). Gather across from Livermore Lab at William Payne Park, exit 55 off I-580. The commemoration will be held in a grassy area. Immediately following the program, there will be a procession to the Lab to symbolically, nonviolently foreclose on the bomb.
The Occupy Oakland bus will be providing rides from MacArthur BART station to Livermore and back, donations accepted. Bus will leave MacArthur BART promptly at 3:00pm, and return after the program. Call to reserve your seat: (415) 292-0011. Drivers willing to give rides, please meet at MacArthur BART before 3:00pm for self-organized carpools.
Official Website: http://www.trivalleycares.org
Added by FullCalendar on July 19, 2012