Victoria, British Columbia

Day of Intervention : November 12, 2005
Tell Ford to Get Serious About Breaking North America 's Addiction to Oil

WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Join us on Saturday November 12 and Intervene at Your Local Ford Dealer!
Sign up Now by contacting Mike at or going to


With record gas prices, the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, the Arctic melting faster than ever before, even more deaths in Iraq and the planet on the edge of climatic collapse we can't afford to wait any longer to declare our independence from oil. It's time that we let Ford, the worst polluter in the automobile industry, know they must stop driving this chaos and destruction.

Sign up Now at

Why Ford?
Our dependence on oil endangers our environment, our health, our economy, and fuels human rights abuses around the world. Automobiles are the single largest consumer of oil in the North America; if we want kick the oil habit, demanding sustainable, petroleum-free transportation is a good place to start. Among automakers, Ford is the worst actor. Ford has the worst fleetwide fuel efficiency and the highest average vehicle greenhouse gas emissions of major U.S. automakers.
This year we are happy to be able to provide grassroots activists with even more trainings and resources than ever before. It couldn't be easier or more important for you to adopt a dealer today.

About the Day of Action:
We are planning to have over 100 actions taking place throughout North America and Europe. The day will highlight the connections to human rights, alternative solutions, climate change, air pollution and addressing Ford's poor fuel rating. Different groups will participate in street theater, press conferences, adopt-a-ford dealer actions, or hold press conferences on the impacts of oil to our ecosystem and future etc.. This day of action will also connect with the tenth anniversary of the assissination of Ken Saro Wiwa, a Nigerian activist who was murdered by Shell Corp. So there is a lot opportunities to collaborate and to build further awareness on the need for an ecological u-turn from oil dependence. For more info, contact or 1-800-497-1994.

Two of the things you can do to participate is to adopt-a-dealership and organize a demo or if you are a campus activist you can work on passing a green fleets resolution. To adopt a dealer download a package at Jumpstart Ford: Adopt a Dealer or if you want more info on the green fleets program you can go to Jumpstart Ford: Green Fleets.

If you are planning to participate in the day of action contact Mike Hudema at or 1-800-497-1994. Sign up so that we (Ruckus Society, Rainforest Action Network and Global Exchange) can support you. We can send you banners and flyers, as well as help you brainstorm potential actions.

"Mr. Ford, you and your company have a huge stake in keeping this war going and in keeping the oil flowing?To what lengths will companies like yours go to increase your bottom line? Mr. Ford, are you willing to have the blood of more fine young Americans on your hands?"

? Cindy Sheehan, in a letter to CEO Bill Ford Jr

In solidarity,

Mike Hudema
Jumpstart Ford Organizer
Global Exchange

Added by ariyadhana on October 29, 2005

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