Fri. 7/6/2007 - Forbidden Island
The Story:
In the far reaches of the Pacific, the Ninja Clan are on a mission spanning multiple continents, sailing a vessel commissioned by the Emperor himself. Without warning, the Ninja are besieged by the unyielding winds of the sea and find themselves shipwrecked on a remote island deep in the archaic waters of the Pacific. As they forage for wood to rebuild their ship, they can not help but bear witness to the toil of a society with little food or water, slaving away for a ruthless king. This confrontation with social injustice is more than the Ninja can bear and they demand to be taken to the Sacred temple to negotiate the inhabitants freedom. An offer is made. If they are able to please Undun, Supreme God of the island, with their Ninjaskill, the souls of every man, woman and child on the island will be set free from bondage. If not, they will live amongst the people, never to complete their mission, enslaved amongst the residents of the village forever. And so, the Ninja endeavor to appease the God of the island with music culled from the ends of the earth. Help the Ninja in their quest. It is their most important evening ever as they attempt to bring justice and peace to Forbidden Island.
Ninja Skillz present:
Forbidden Island
Sacred Temple
* Jason Blakemore (LifeMusic)
* Jesse Wright (Pocket Underground)
* Guardian (Ninjaskillz)
* PhilDog (Ninjaskillz)
Serenity Beach
* Brassworks Agency (Merck Records, Auxprocess)
* Faith (StormRiders)
* Saynt (Ninjaskillz)
* Hyjynx (Ninjaskillz)
Fire Mountain
* Wobs & Nonfiction (Focus, Elevate, DJ Culture)
* Mike Insane (Ninjaskillz)
* JP & Rhines (Ninjaskillz, DJ Culture)
At our brand new island location:
Zen Sushi
2609 Hyperion Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90027
21+ | 9pm - 2am
Full Sushi Bar all night
Free admission before 10pm
$5 w/a canned food item
$10 full admission price
(Food donations will go to a local Charity Food Bank)
Official Website:
Added by aymnetwork on July 4, 2007