Why not come on a tour of Eco-Home to see our veggie garden and orchard and get some tips on saving money at the grocery store by growing some of your own veggies? And find out how you can help fight global warming in your own home with your own everyday choices and actions at the same time!
The Eco-Home (tm) is a California style bungalow, circa 1911, retrofitted with resource conserving and cost saving property improvements that can make your home warm (and cool!), friendly yet environmentally sound and healthy.
Since opening its doors to the public in 1988, this "pioneering" home, incorporating solar hot water heating, photovoltaic panels, ultra low flow water systems and other energy and water conservation measures, has hosted over 17,000 guests from around the world.
Whether you are going to experience the home for the first time or you are going for your tenth time to help out and dig your hands into the organic garden as a volunteer, join us in helping to reduce global warming one home at a time.
Next Tour Date is Sept 21 (4-6:30p). To view the list of future tour dates please visit www.ecohome.org.
For more information or to make a tour reservation, please contact Julia at 323-662-5207 or ecohome@pacbell.net
Added by ecohome on August 20, 2008