Please join BAY AREA VEGETARIANS for good vegan food and learn more about the California legislative process.
This month's Vegan Food Party (potluck) is about more than the food. Join us for a special presentation by Virginia Handley, lobbyist and California Coordinator for the Fund for Animals, and co-founder of PAW PAC, California?s political action committee for animals.
1:30 - 3:30 Vegan Food Party
3:30 - 4:30 Legislative presentation
"Nothing is more powerful than the printed word, especially if that word is printed in a law book."
As citizens, how do we make our voices heard for vegetarianism, for the animals, for a more compassionate lifestyle?
Virginia's presentation will demystify the California Legislative process, how the public participates in this process, plans for 2005 legislation for the animals, and available resources.
For full details on what type of food to bring or how to RSVP, please visit
Added by bayareavegdotorg on January 17, 2005