Free Community Exclusive Screening of HELVETICA
Community Art Show Planned
Panel Discussion Featuring:
Lorraine Wild, Green Dragon Office
John Clark, Looking
Simon Johnston, Simon Johnston Design
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 7:30 PM
Aero Theatre
1328 Montana Ave. • Santa Monica, CA 90403
RSVP Requested:
Watch a preview:
You can't escape if you try--it's on your computer, the subway, U.S. mailboxes, IRS tax forms, and spells out countless corporate logos from Target to Fendi. No doubt, Helvetica is the king of fonts. But why? To find the answer, first-time Director Gary Hustwit meets with historians and designers whose passion for typefaces run high, and discovers the secrets behind the fonts we use and read every day.
Official Website:
Added by ITVS Community Cinema on December 8, 2008