The Leas
Folkestone, England CT20 2DJ

Folkestone Town Council and the Ex Services Liaison Committee are proud to present Folkestone Armed Forces Day.

Starting at 2pm, this free event for families and communities celebrates our Armed Forces – past present and future. The open air event will take place at the Leas Bandstand, Folkestone.

There will be armed forces displays by the Royal Gurkha Rifles, South East Brigade, Prince of Wales Royal Regiment TA Unit and Local Cadet Forces.

Throughout the afternoon as well as a home guard re enactment sketch the Cadet Forces will be demonstrating their dress, military skills and static displays. The Ex Services Associations will be on hand to talk to members of the public wishing to ask any questions. Throughout the day there will be a large range of family-friendly demonstrations old military vehicles and attractions.

Entertainment will be in the form of Folkestone Pipes and drums and live music in the Bandstand with Kas singing a few of the old favourites for the troops joined by Alice Brown and Ben Jones.

Come and enjoy a fantastic family day out and join in the celebrations! Contact or tel: 01303 257946.

Name: Liz Timmins
Phone: 01303 257946

Official Website:

Added by Armed Forces Day on May 17, 2009

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