Ever wondered what makes a city truly sustainable? How do the healthy ageing of a population, the economic culture of a city and the revitalization of neighborhoods contribute to urban sustainability? A panel of UBC faculty members who are leading sustainability experts will share their vision and cutting edge research on this timely topic.
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Mountaineers Building
300 Third Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
Enjoy an evening of conversation, information and enlightenment with UBC’s 12th president, Professor Stephen Toope as he moderates a conversation with a panel of outstanding faculty members.
Hors d’oeuvres will be served. Guests welcome. There is no charge for this event.
RSVP online by September 22.
Official Website: http://www.alumni.ubc.ca/eBlast/focusubc/focus_seattle-web.html
Added by leipsman on September 3, 2008