Faculty: Bradley Sowash
Date/Time: Monday - Wednesday, June 29 – July 1, 9:00am – 12noon
Registration Deadline: Monday, June 22
Class Fee: $90.00
Required Text: “That’s Jazz-Book One: Getting Into It,” by Bradley Sowash, available at
bradleysowash.com or Stanton’s Sheet Music, ISBN # 0-8497-9725-X
Incorporate jazz into your studio piano teaching. During this three-day intensive, hands-on workshop, Sowash will share his time-tested techniques that will enliven your students' interest in music. Sowash has developed this successful approach to jazz piano through many years of teaching his own students, and will demonstrate how to incorporate it alongside the method books and classical selections that you already choose for your students.
This workshop is designed specifically for traditional studio piano teachers who would like to integrate jazz and blues into their teaching and playing. Through lecture, demonstration, written example, and hands-on experience, participants will learn how to integrate a teaching approach that involves personal expression, improvisation and the applied knowledge of music theory. This is not a publisher or music store sponsored showcase primarily designed to get you to buy books. You WILL expand your knowledge of America's music and leave with many new and practical teaching tips for introducing jazz to your students.
I started another student playing blues today. He was so funny at first. I showed him the 12-bar blues with his left hand while I improvised over it. Then I showed him the blues scale and had him improvise. He freaked out a little, but then saw how easy it is to do! When we finished, he had a big smile on his face and said "that was fun!" - Kathy (piano teacher)
Carol Argiro
614-294-5200 x107
Official Website: http://www.jazzartsgroup.org
Added by Jazz Arts Group on April 21, 2009