314 E. Liberty
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103

Comedy has taken this little kid from the ghetto of Chicago to winning the “Seattle Comedy Competition” in 2000 and being a finalist in the prestigious “San Francisco Comedy Competition” in 2001. Floyd J. Phillips’ diverse comedy has allowed him to play USO tours, cruise ships, colleges, and comedy clubs across the nation. All of which has shown Floyd more of the world than he ever thought he would see. Floyd’s tough background gives him the courage to talk about the topics other people avoid: topics such as abortion, pedophilia, date rape, capital punishment, gun control, the mentally challenged and racism. Not to exclude Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses. But Floyd also discusses happier things like dating, babysitting his precious nieces and nephews, and technology. Don’t miss the comedy debut of Floyd J. Phillips this week at the Comedy Showcase.

Added by aacomedy on June 19, 2010