4272 Fremont Ave. North
Seattle, Washington 98103

>FREE INTRO/OPEN HOUSE test class, MARCH 28, 1-4pm

Make magic--

Make meaning out of nonsense

And nonsense out of meaning

Write in the language of dreams;

dream in the written language.
Language lovers and ferocious readers: come explore metaphor, humor, rhyme and magic with Caroline Moir (Seattle PI Poetry prize winner - 2008, MFA from UW, Teacher at Seattle Central CC). We’ll look at songs, spells, and nonsense poetry;, play with language and color; then make our own manuscripts using recycled hardcover books. No experience in creative writing necessary; supplies provided
Dates: Thursdays, 3:45-5:00, starting in April, 2009 (feel free to bring a snack)

Ages: 7-10 (parents may wait in sitting area in corner of room or hallway)
Class size: 4 min / 12 max
Register: please fill out the form online at www.fremontabbey.org/youth
Teacher: Caroline Moir (Seattle PI Poetry prize winner - 2008, MFA from UW, Teacher at Seattle Central CC)

Official Website: http://www.fremontabbey.org/youth

Added by fremontabbey on February 25, 2009