4020 Virginia Beach Drive
Miami, Florida 33149

After a year away from pillaging their village, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella rejoice with joy over regaining their kingdom in Miami, as the Florida Renaissance Festival returns for their second conquest at Historic Virginia Key Beach Park in Miami. The Miami festival weekend dates are January 15th to January 23rd, 2011, including Monday January 17th for Martin Luther King Day, at Historic Virginia Key Beach Park.

The festivities will feature historical reenactments, sword fights, magical illusions and an abundance of authentic fare from freshly made kettle corn to roasted giant turkey legs, which can be washed down with a swig of mead or ale.

The Florida Renaissance Festival at Historic Virginia Key Beach Park will be open weekends from 10 a.m. to sunset. Prices range from $20.00 for adults and $7 for children ages six to 11 years old and children under five are free. Pre-show discount tickets are available online at http://www.ren-fest.com.

Added by gabrielalmcmg on December 15, 2010