556 5th Avenue
Manhattan, New York 10036

Come join us, The Catholic Fellowship of Young Filipino Professionals, in our launch event celebrating Flores de Mayo. Everyone is invited to participate.

Flores de Mayo (flowers of May) is a Catholic festival held in the month of May in honor of the Virgin Mary. For the whole month of May, prayers and flowers are offered to the Virgin Mary. A variety of community congregations, feasts, song and dance performances make this festival one of the most colorful and biggest events in the Philippines.

The highlight of the celebration is the Santacruzan (Festival of the Holy Cross), a procession typically held on the last day of Flores de Mayo. The procession commemorates the search of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena (Reyna Elena) and her son, Constantine the Great. It is the wooden, Holy Cross, on which Jesus Christ was nailed.

Registration will start at 6:30 pm. Then, we will kick off the launch event by praying the Holy Rosary at 7:00 pm. Afterwhich, we will have a Santacruzan at about 7:15 pm, and mass will follow at about 7:30 pm. We will end the event with a networking reception with lots of Filipino food and drinks.

If you have any questions, please contact: Ted Martinez at ted.events@gmail.com or at 571.277.1691.

Official Website: http://www.cfnetwork.org

Added by CFNYC on May 14, 2009

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